2024 Haunt...a new build for 2024.

I have been thinking about this prop for a number of years.
Some background. Our haunt is in front of our house and our neighbor’s house. Along the sidewalk we have a halloween fence that separates the sidewalk from the haunt. Some of those involved with the haunt like to sit across the street and watch the activities and jump in to help when necessary.
A while ago, they noticed that there were a few people who refused to go in because it was too scary.
With that in mind, I had a vision of a zombie at the fence, standing quietly, controlled with a remote control switch. So those sitting across the street could see the people who didn’t go in and scare them anyway.
This is that vision. As he stands there, he is making clicking noises waiting for his prey. When someone is detected, he turns his end, beds back and forth at the waist, then starts shaking the fence in excitement, and finally, just when you think he is done, he leans over the fence right over your head!